TayCare Junior Children’s Centre

2066 Scotch Line Road
Perth, Ontario
K7H 2K5
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TayCare Junior Children's Centre

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The Taycare Junior Centre is licensed under the Ontario Day Nurseries Act. It provides high-quality early childhood education programs to infants, toddlers and preschool age children. The Centre is a purpose-built child care centre attached to St. John’s High School in Perth.


All qualified staff are members of the College of Early Childhood Educators. The staff to child ratio varies from program to program. The infants (birth to 18 months) have a ratio of 1 to 3 and toddlers (18 months to 2.5 years) have a ratio of 1 to 5. Preschoolers (2.5 years to 3.5 years) have a ratio of 1 to 8.


At all times, the children have a wide variety of materials to keep them active. There are various areas with toys, books, puzzles, and craft supplies. Children are encouraged to engage in cooperative play.

The staff organize music circles and daily theme circles that consist of discussions about the calendar, the weekly theme and the weather followed by an art activity and song about the theme.


TayCare Junior Centre has two large fenced playgrounds. The play structures are inspected yearly by a certified playground inspector to ensure that all the CSA standards are met. In addition, the program staff do daily, monthly and seasonal inspections. The staff help the children to plant both a flower and vegetable garden each year.

Snacks and Meals

Our Junior Centre provides a full hot, nutritious lunch that meets with Canada Food Guide recommendations. In addition, morning and afternoon snacks are provided. We also have a breakfast program for children who arrive before 8:00 am. The breakfast consists of toast or cereal with juice or milk for the low cost of 25 cents per day.


Throughout the year staff organize field trips within the community that often coincide with the weekly theme of the Centre.

Hours of Operation

The TayCare Junior Children’s Centre is open from 6:30 am until 6:00 pm Monday to Friday, with the exception of statutory holidays.

Fees and Subsidy

Fees are set each year by the Tayside Board of Directors. For information on daycare fees, please email tcjunior@tayside.ca or call (613)267-6542.

Fee subsidies are available to parents who qualify under a provincially regulated income test; eligibility is determined based on guidelines established by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. Fee subsidy applications are administered by the County of Lanark; the department in charge of subsidy requests can be contacted at (613)267-4200, ex. 2304 or via email at ss@county.lanark.on.ca. Before applying for a subsidy, parents must find a licensed child care facility that best fits their needs.