TayCare Ready 2 Learn Program Queen Elizabeth School

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In preparation for the implementation of the full-day JK/SK program required to be offered by all schools by 2015, the Upper Canada District School Board has asked Tayside Community Residential & Support Options (TCO) to operate a Ready2Learn (R2L) program at the TayCare Senior Children’s Centre and the Queen Elizabeth School. This program is similar to the full day JK/SK but is licensed under the Day Nurseries Act.

It provides licensed early childcare programs to coincide with the schedules of the regular JK/SK education program offered at Queen Elizabeth School. The Junior and Senior Kindergarten child care programs are available for children on the days they do not attend the regular school JK/SK program.

This program is operated in partnership with the Upper Canada District School Board in which care during school hours is provided by the school board at no cost. Before and after school care is available; these programs are fee-based. Spaces for before and after care may be limited due to the availability of space.


All qualified staff have diplomas in Early Childhood Education and are registered members of the College of Early Childhood Educators. The staff to child ratio with our Junior and Senior Kindergarten Ready2Learn program is 1-10.

Snacks and Lunch

A morning snack is provided to children registered in the Ready2Learn program; children are expected to bring their own lunch. Milk will be served at lunchtime. Please remember: due to severe allergies, we insist that NO NUTS are brought to the Ready 2 Learn program.

Field Trips

On occasion, children in the Ready2Learn program may participate in outings within the community. We may walk or use bus transportation; parents will be informed well in advance of any trips, and written consent must be given by parents/guardians before children can go on field trips.


Children are supervised in our fenced playground, and staff to child ratios are met at all times. The play structures are inspected yearly by a certified inspector to ensure that we meet all of the CSA safety standards. In addition, the yard is inspected daily, monthly and seasonally by our staff. Depending on weather conditions, there is one hour of supervised play in the morning, and another hour in the afternoon.

Contact Us

For more information, please email childcare@tayside.ca or call (613)264-0953 ex. 103.